All About Protein

Protein is a macronutrient. What is a macronutrient? An essential nutrient required in large amounts that provide the body with sufficient energy to maintain body functions and sustain life. Most people are not getting enough in their daily diet. Your body does not store it, so that means you need to be eating it throughout the day in order for your body to utilize it.

all about protein

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You Can’t Supplement Your Way Out Of Poor Nutrition Habits

I’ve been in holistic health care for many years and I see a trend starting to happen that I want to address here. Many people shy away from conventional medicine and the band aid approach because they realize that it is not addressing the root cause, just to band aid their symptoms again using herbs instead of drugs. Same approach, different product. And yes, you may have less side effects from using herbs instead of pharmaceutical drugs,  but “you can’t supplement your way out of poor nutrition and lifestyle habits.” There is no quick fix approach. While supplements are amazing, they are not the “end all, be all”. You cannot rely on a supplement to “fix” your problems. You have to address the basics and put in the work, love.

organic produce

Supplement: something that completes or enhances something else when added to it

Our bodies are designed to utilize real whole foods. The commensal bacteria flora in our gut needs the variety of real foods to remain healthy and active. Bacterial flora is responsible for many things in our body (vitamin synthesis, immune support, etc) and it relies on real, whole food to feed it.

Sure, a great multivitamin helps fill in the nutrient gap that may be missing in our food, but it will never replace the power of actually nourishing our bodies with real food.

And what about the emotional/mental side of things? I’ve had clients nourishing their bodies and feeling amazing until they’ve encountered major stress in their lives and started feeling sick again while still eating all the healthy things. Stress and trauma affect the body. It depletes minerals. It causes your body to be in a state of fight or flight mode instead of safety. Guess what happens when your body doesn’t feel safe? It holds onto things it shouldn’t, energy that is supposed to go to certain parts of the body (like digestion) goes elsewhere, therefore making yoru digestive system weak.

True health is achieved when you are addressing ALL parts of your body. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

You want a balanced healthy life? Put the work in all areas, not just food. When you do that, you are able to “eat whatever you want on a night out” and feel fine the next day because you were getting in that quality relationship time that your body was needing. It’s not just about the food, it’s about everything.

Learn to listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs. Over time, you will become confident and trust it.

You cannot supplement your way out of poor nutrition and lifestyle habits

Looking for guidance on your health journey? Check out my MAKING THE SWITCH program or book a consult with me to discuss your current health needs and see how I can support you.

Gut Health For The Holidays

The holiday season can be a stressful on our bodies so today we’re chatting all about gut health for the holidays. Reminder that this is a season! A few big holiday meals isn’t going to drastically alter your bodies immunity or make you pack on the pounds. It’s what you do on the daily, in between all the gatherings that will make all the difference!

gut health for the holidays

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3 Foundations To Your Gut Healing Journey

If you are ready to start your gut healing journey, there are a couple things that are important to address first. Considering these three things will help you lay the foundation for the journey. As we all know, having a strong foundation is critical, whether you’re building a house, doing married life or working on your health.

gut healing journey

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Daily Habits for Great Sleep

Struggling to get great sleep? In this video, myself and Martha from The Complete Sleep Solution are talking about daily habits for great sleep! So many things we do throughout the day will either support a great sleep, or hinder it. If you are struggling with insomnia or your lack of sleep is affecting your day, take a listen to this video!

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DIY Infused Water Recipes

We all know we should be drinking water. Good chance more water than we are. But what if you don’t like just plain ole’ water? You probably will reach for the many flavored waters that are on the market.  You may be thinking, “sweet, I’m drinking water instead of Coke so this will be better for me”. I love your train of thinking and for making that switch from Coke to water. Sadly, many flavored waters on the market are filled with artificial sweeteners, flavors and preservatives. 🙁 I’m sorry if I just bummed you out. But take heart because in this post I will be sharing easy DIY infused water recipes you can make at home plus one company that sells legit flavored sparkling water.

infused water recipes

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