Introducing Zucchini Pie

Zucchini pie anyone?!? When I say zucchini pie, most people give me a weird look! However, when they try it, they find that it is quite yummy! It reminds me of a custard pie; smooth, creamy, amazing.  It is a great way to use up that one zucchini that you found hiding that has grown to the size of a small baseball bat.

zucchini pie

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The Wonder of Zucchini


It’s summertime, my garden is flourishing and zucchini season has begun! For those of you who do garden, you know what I mean when I say “zucchini season has begun”.  They seem to produce lots and lots and you might find yourself overwhelmed with it all! I want to touch briefly why zucchini is so awesome and then give you a few ideas on what to do with it! (Zucchini Pie anyone?!)


Health Benefits of Zucchini
  • Excellent source of Vitamins A, C and B (+ folate).
  • Antioxidants=healthy immune system
  • Potassium: 1 cup of cooked zucchini gives your more than 15% of your daily value.
  • Excellent source of Dietary Fiber: plus it is very hydrating which is good for the digestive tract. A perfect veggie for constipation relief an can actually help with diarrhea as well.

Zucchini has a high water content, making it low in sugar and carbs. Therefore a perfect weight loss vegetable. Along with the high water content comes good dietary fiber..which will help keep things moving along and soothe digestive distress due to the electrolytes in this vegetable. Pretty Cool!

What to do with zucchini   vegetables-671768_1920
  • Grill it! Cut into wedges, add oil & salt. Grill on each side a 3-4 minutes.
  • Bake with it! Zucchini bread or muffins.
  • Zucchini Pie! Sounds weird I know but it is TOTALLY awesome! Like a custard!
  • Add to salsas! Here is one of my favorite recipes, you can add some to it.
  • Zucchini noodles! Delicious in a lasagna!
  • Stir-fry! Add some garlic and onions with it. Crack a couple eggs in the pan for protein.
  • Zucchini Fries! ABSOLUTELY amazing! We couldn’t eat them fast enough! Drizzle oil and spices over them, roast in 450 degree oven! Broil for 2-3 minutes for crispiness!


I love hearing from my readers! Let me know in the comment box below how you use your zucchini!