8 Natural Remedies For Constipation

While it is important to get to the root cause of your constipation, sometimes we need a little support especially during times of acute constipation! Part three of this constipation series is all about natural remedies for constipation. If you haven’t already, go read part one: What Is Constipation and part two: 7 Common Causes of Constipation.

8 Natural Remedies for Constipation
  • Prunes (3-5 daily) or prune juice. Look for organic prunes or ones without preservatives.
  • Lemon + ginger water. While I recommend starting every day with warm lemon water (read more about that here), adding a couple slices of fresh ginger will help increase hydrochloric acid and relieve gas and bloating.
  • Magnesium 200-800 mg taken before bed.
  • Triphala. This herbal supplement is a blend of 3 antioxidant rich fruits which naturally supports regularity and has a cleansing effect on the intestinal lining. It moistens and nourishes the lining of the intestines and over time heals and restores as well. (Get it here)
  • Whole leaf aloe vera juice taken in morning. Use 1-2 tablespoons. Shoot it down straight or mix it with some water. (this is the brand I use)
  • Foods Rich In Fiber. The recommended amount of fiber is 25-40 grams per day. Fruits, vegetables, brown rice, legumes, chia seeds are some examples.
  • Water. Staying hydrated is so important for the health of your body, especially your gut. Aim for 1 liter (33.8oz) of water per 50 lbs of body weight. Anything caffeinated does not count towards your daily intake.
  • Smooth Move Tea. If other remedies don’t seem to be working, try this tea. I recommend taking it no longer than 1-3 days during acute constipation. This tea contains the herb senna which can have a scraping effect on the colon. Use sparingly.

Bonus tip: get moving! Movement will help stimulate the muscles in our intestines. The more you use those muscles, they stronger they become. If you sit a lot during the day and don’t exercise much, try getting in a brisk 15-30 minute walk!

Are you feeling stuck and frustrated with your constipation??

Helping women overcome constipation is a specialty in my coaching practice! I would love to work with you one on one to get to the root cause of your constipation, teach you how to nourish your body with the foods it needs to thrive and be your guide and support alongside you! Schedule a gut health consult with me to discuss your current situation, your goals for your health and the next steps to move forward! (Schedule your call here)

Needing support and accountability from other women dealing with this as well? Come join the free GUT SUPPORT FOR WOMEN Facebook Group! We’d love to have you!

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