Why I Choose To Eat Healthy

Why eat healthy?

This is a question that gets asked frequently along with the comment…”I don’t know why you do, you’re so skinny”.

Well friends, I’m about to get real frank, honest and maybe a little sarcastic. You were warned. 😉

why I choose to eat healthy

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Crunchy Dill Chicken Salad

This crunchy dill chicken salad is a staple in our home! It will store in the fridge for several days so make a big batch and use it throughout the week! If you’re running short on time or don’t feel like cooking, grab this healthy chicken salad and you will have a nutritious meal in minutes!

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8 Natural Remedies For Constipation

While it is important to get to the root cause of your constipation, sometimes we need a little support especially during times of acute constipation! Part three of this constipation series is all about natural remedies for constipation. If you haven’t already, go read part one: What Is Constipation and part two: 7 Common Causes of Constipation.

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Probiotics vs. Prebiotics: What’s The Difference

Probiotics vs. Prebiotics: What’s the difference?

Most of you have probably heard of probiotics and quite possibly even supplement with them. However, the similar term prebiotics is currently trending and you may be asking: “what’s the difference?” Let’s chat about it!

Probiotics: live bacteria found in certain foods or supplements.

Prebiotics: non-digestable parts of food (mostly fiber) that feed or nourish the good bacteria in your gut.

prebiotics probiotics

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The Healing Power of Bone Broth

Bone Broth: I’m sure you’ve heard of it, thought it sounded questionable, maybe even tried it?

Today I am going to share with you 5 benefits of bone broth, than share my personal recipe on how I make it!

   chicken bone broth Read more

How To Make A Yogurt Bowl

You know those morning where you want something creamy, filling, delicious & quick to make? Introducing yogurt bowls! My new favorite breakfast when I’m short on time!

One thing I love about these bowls is how versatile they can be! From the different types of yogurt to various toppings, you can switch things up to whatever you’re feeling. Pictured below is a favorite: fall inspired apple bowl with cinnamon! So good! {You can also visit my Instagram for more bowl ideas}


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3 Healthier Drink Options To Buy At Your Grocery

Healthier Drink Options To Go!

Today we are talking about drink options when you’re out and about.

One of the important things to look at when buying a bottled drink is the sugar content.  Most contain WAY more than we need. Growing up as a Pepsi girl, when I started my health journey I had to say bye-bye to that one. Nowadays when I drink something besides water it could be coffee, healthy lemonade, green juice or kombucha. (Although still working on loving the last one;) It works great if you can make your drinks at home and take with you, however that is not always an option, so today I am sharing three drinks you can pick up at your grocery that I have personally tried and liked.

Suja juices: these are fantastic. Organic, cold pressed. This is a brand I recommend if you can’t make your own. They have different flavors and I personally love the green ones. This company has also come out with many new varieties recently. Side note: The thing about juicing is while it is a great nutrient boost, relief for our digestive system, etc;  it can also be unhealthy. If you juice mostly fruit, the sugar content will be high. Much more than we need. Since the fiber from the fruit is not there, it will be a sugar rush to our system. (Which is why I prefer smoothies or blending the fruit) Look at your ingredients and choose wisely. Click to learn more.

Bolthouse Farms-1915 Organic: This brand can often times be on sale at our grocery and I will occasionally pick one up. Although I prefer the Suja, this one is another good choice. Once again, check the sugar content.

Kombucha: This is a drink I have had a hard time coming to really like. It is a great option if you are craving something fizzy & carbonated. It also contains probiotics which are good for our gut. Kombucha can also contain high amounts of sugar. The one pictured above has 2 grams per serving, which is super!

There are many bottled drink options available. Just remember when you are buying them to check your labels. Stay away from the ones filled with sugar, artificial flavors & colors, preservatives and other unnecessary crap. 


My Favorite Digestive Supplements + A GIVEAWAY!

Digestive Supplements + A GIVEAWAY

Today I am talking to you about supplements that I personally use to amp up my digestion! I’m also excited to host a giveaway of 2 products I use and love!  But first I would like to define the meaning of the word supplement as I am using it in this particular blog post. That definition is: “something that enhances something else when added to it.” 

As you know, digestive health is a big focus in my health coaching practice. Time and time again it is proven to us that having a healthy gut is crucial to our well being. As Hippocrates once said, “All disease begins in the gut.”

Now while I am a big believer in keeping your gut in tip top shape by nourishing it with proper foods, I also know that sometimes we need a little extra help and most everyone can benefit from taking a probiotic on a regular basis. {This post is specifically talking about supplements, not the food/nutrition side of a healthy gut.}

Here are 3 of my favorites digestive aids:

  • Probiotic: Our gut needs “good bacteria” to thrive. Probiotics can be consumed as fermented foods. That being said, most people do not get enough of these foods in their diet which is why I recommend taking a probiotic. Daily if you are in the healing stage; every other day if you are in the maintenance stage. This is a brand I have tried and like.
  • Essential oils: Ginger, peppermint, fennel, lavender & coriander are a few that benefit your digestion. For the days when maybe you have overindulged, or accidentally ate something that doesn’t agree with you. I carry a blend with me when I travel that really helps soothe my belly. It’s easy for your stomach to get “off” when you travel and this oil helps with that. (Side Note: I do not sell or advocate for just one brand of oils. There are several good companies that I trust and personally use a variety of brands. Find one that works for you. Research it and buy from a local distributor if possible.)
  • Ginger Tea: has soothing properties which are good for an upset stomach and can help relieve nausea.


What: 1 bottle of PB8 Probiotic and 1 bottle of DigestZen from doTERRA

How to enter: Comment & Share! Share your favorite color in the comment box below and send a copy of this blog post to a friend who you think could also benefit from these 2 amazing products!

Deadline: sweepstakes end Thursday (23rd) at 6:00 p.m. (CST)

Winner: CONGRATULATIONS LINDSEY WOLF!! Your name was chosen! Please contact me via email to claim your prize!